Below you will find various contributions, most from different industry professionals.  These offerings are based upon personal experience within our industry.  They are intended as helpful tools, not absolute facts.  Your experiences may in some cases differ.

If you would prefer to discuss your plans privately, or have specific issues or needs, please use the e-mail contained below.

Brian Guenther, owner of Diversified Games and your host for the Game Store Resource Forum, was GAMA’s Retail Mentorship Program Manager until resigning from the post in the fall of 2005.  In addition, he has been a speaker at the GAMA Trade Show in Las Vegas for three consecutive years.

Ever wonder how a product flow through our industry?  A simple .pdf guide prepared by BilL Corrie of Hinterwelt Enterprises.

A simple .pdf file that covers some of the basic steps and their order new store owners should think about and plan for during the process of opening a store. 

One On One Mentoring

New Store Flowchart

RPG Industry Flowchart


Game Store Resource Forum

                 Helping Game Retailers Help Themselves